Frock IT!

Posted in Events NZ
Published: 17/12/2019

Frock IT! - women in dresses dancing, laughing, and holding glasses of champagne

Frock IT! is a dance party with a twist

With entertainers, music, food and beverages inspired by various musical themes and genres.  

Frock IT! celebrates fashion, fun and dance. 

Event 1: Frock IT! Rhythm and Rhymes - Dunedin

Our Inurgural Event "Rhythm and Rhymes" was held in Dunedin in August 2020.

It was an official National Poetry Day celebration, featuring six local poets and musical talent.

Frock IT! won the Whip Around Challenge, on TV3's The Project.  

The Project TV3 - Whip Around Winner August 2020

A few memories 

Frock It - Rhythm and Rhymes Dunedin

Click here for more details about the Dunedin Event 

Further events with different music themes are being considered.

- Frock IT - Flappers 
- Frock IT - Salsa
- Frock IT - Barn Dance

Check back here to view tickets for Frock It dance party tickets in 2022 (events are on hold because of the current Covid-19 pandemic).

choose 3 day accommodation packages - Frock It - sweing

Planning underway for 2023 - help welcome

Frock IT! 3 Day Accommodation Packages - stay with people who enjoy stitching, sewing, fabric, fashion and design.

Now signing up hosts all over New Zealand who have clean, comfortable accommodation for Frock IT Stays.

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